今天的內容為,定義要給AI的資料,並撰寫 MLPlay 積木
(第 24 天的 「實作!雙人射擊遊戲 —— 重構怪物的移動」 和第 25 天的「實作!雙人射擊遊戲 —— 怪物掉落」 文章已補上,大家可以先看!)
["ai_name", "player number", "玩家編號"]
["1P", "1P", "1P"],
["2P", "2P", "2P"]
["GAME_ALIVE", "alive", "存活"],
["GAME_OVER", "over", "失敗"],
["GAME_1P_WIN", "1P wins", "1P 獲勝"],
["GAME_2P_WIN", "2P wins", "2P 獲勝"]
["scene_info['id']", "player number", "玩家編號"],
["scene_info['x']", "x coordinate of player", "玩家的 x 座標"],
["scene_info['y']", "y coordinate of player", "玩家的 y 座標"],
["scene_info['vel']", "player velocity", "玩家速度"],
["scene_info['score']", "score of player", "玩家分數"],
["scene_info['shield']", "shield of player", "玩家護盾值"],
["scene_info['lives']", "lives of player", "玩家的生命次數"],
["scene_info['angle']", "angle of player", "玩家的面朝角度"],
["scene_info['used_frame']", "# frame", "# 幀數"],
["scene_info['status']", "game status", "遊戲狀態"],
["scene_info['partner_info']", "coordinate of partner", "夥伴的所有資訊"],
["scene_info['mob_info']", "coordinate of all mobs", "所有怪物的所有資訊"]
[0, "left boundary", "左邊界"],
[800, "right boundary", "右邊界"],
[0, "top boundary", "上邊界"],
[600, "bottom boundary", "下邊界"],
[50, "obj width", "物件寬度"],
[50, "obj height", "物件高度"]
["['UP']", "move up", "往上"],
["['DOWN']", "move down", "往下"],
["['LEFT']", "move left", "往左"],
["['RIGHT']", "move right", "往右"],
["['SHOOT']","shoot", "射擊"],
["['UP', 'SHOOT']", "move up and shoot", "前進並射擊"],
["['DOWN', 'SHOOT']", "move down and shoot", "後退並射擊"],
["['LEFT', 'SHOOT']", "move left and shoot", "左轉並射擊"],
["['RIGHT', 'SHOOT']", "move right and shoot", "右轉並射擊"],
["['NONE']","doing nothing", "不動作"],
["RESET", "reset", "重置遊戲"]